ESEIN HEALTH has been a specialist in pre-employment testing since 1980, and pioneered customized, job-based test design. Today ESEIN HEALTH is in use by thousands of organizations, and is a trusted tool for assessing experience levels accurately and affordably.

With ESEIN HEALTH, you can:

Qualify your applicant pool with our easy to deploy, predictive online tests.
Easily customize tests from our content or yours to be the most valid fit for your jobs.
Use our detailed score reports to scientifically support – and defend – your hiring decisions.
Determine training needs and provide some quick learning with optional test-taker feedback.

A comprehensive, easy-to-use online skills test quickly separates the skilled candidates from the rest.

Browsing through numerous resumes only gives a rough idea of who’s qualified. A poor resume might mask a gifted young candidate, and a perfect resume could just as likely be forged. The best way to verify is to give a standard set of questions to all candidates, which is a best practice that will highlight the most motivated and skilled individuals for more involved consideration.

ESEIN HEALTH has a library of over 350 subjects combinable into custom tests, and hundreds more pre-designed Standard Tests to choose from.

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