The Central Laboratory

The Central Laboratory under the IDI Research Department conducts non-CAP-certified, high volume, low price tests for a selected range of the most common tests; it also provides QA/QC for other non-CAP-certified labs

The Translational Laboratory

The Translational Laboratory, also under the IDI Research Department is non-CAP-certified; it however validates diagnostic tests with a view to establish such tests on the menu of tests offered by the CAP-certified lab and elsewhere.

The Stat Laboratory

The Stat Laboratory handles all stat tests (quick manual tests) and Point-of-Care tests POC whose results are received within a few minutes to a few hours in the same day.  The Stat lab, which is under the Prevention, Care and Treatment (PCT) Department, is also the major sample collection, reception and quality station for patients at IDI.  It also houses studies within IDI.

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